Word: Inspiration from DVF


Sometimes, I take a moment to sit back and reflect…actually, often times I sit back and reflect. Maybe it’s ingrained in my aquarian nature.

I think about what I wanted to be when I was a kid and how close or far I’ve come from that ideal. I remember my mom telling me that I wanted to be a nurse like her…that dream got squashed the first time I ever went to work with her. Me and dead bodies don’t mix. It was further plundered the first time I held a scalpel in my biology class, my hands aren’t very steady. I’m too anxious. For the majority of my teenage life, I believed that I was not only going to be a lawyer, I was going to be the best damned lawyer anyone has ever seen…and then I met Political Science in college. Nope. That’s a no go to.


It’s so funny. All of our lives we imagine what our life is going to be like. We hope, dream, and wish for our lives to be a perfect package and perfect picture just to wake up and realize that not only is it nothing like that image, but we don’t know what the next moment will bring. All we can hope for is that we become an even better version of the person we imagine ourselves to be.

All we can dream is that before we leave this earth we are able to achieve everything we wanted to and that we not only found our purpose but we maximized it completely.

DVF has the best quote about this:

DVF quoteThrough all the ideas of myself, (the nurse, the lawyer, the ad exec, the boss), I always knew that I was going to be great and do great things. I always knew that I was going to help others by using my talents in creativity and strategy. I knew I would be working with my hands and mind in some capacity. I knew that people would answer to me and seek me out for my opinion and advice. Maybe I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, but I knew who I wanted to be. And at the end of the day, THAT is what counts.

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